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ready at all times to afford the freedpeople every protection.  I have no particular office hours prescribed being always at my post and willing to attend to such complaints as may be brought before me. -

4th.  I have at my command a Company of Cavalry numbering in the aggregate 95 men, and the fact of these Troops being stationed here is no doubt the reason why the freedpeople are as well treated, were it not for this fact, I presume they would be as harshly dealt with as those in other districts.

5th.  I cannot say with any certainty that the State Laws make any material difference to the people here, this is demonstrated by the satisfaction which prevails, some [[free?]] are hired by the month, others are working for themselves and apparently doing well.

6th.  The various duties devolving on one precludes my visiting the localities in which the freedpeople reside, and making closer observations, I however glean from themselves that they are comfortable and happy, and have assured them that any wrong committed - against them shall be immediately redressed.

In conclusion I have the honor to state, that I have nothing to offer, which would affect or better their condition, but shall be pleased to receive any suggestion that you may make

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
N.P. Mc.Cafferty
1st Lt. 4 U.S Cavalry
Sub Asst. Commr. R.F. & Aban Lands.