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their employers or other wrongs done them mostly of a trifling nature. Those I have usually referred to the Civil Authorities either by letter or by personal attendance

I have attended to business at all hours of the day from day light until dark and have not been absent at any time during the month.

The troops at this post are Hd Qrs and B companies of the 6th Cavalry and Hd Qrs and 6 companies of the 26th Infantry I do not think the freedpeople would be secure in their rights if the troops were withdrawn.

I have heard of no case where the State laws in regard to freedpeople have been enforced and am inclined to the opinion that they are generally disregarded

The freedpeople are mostly working for a Share of the Crop 

My chief difficulty is a want of authority to enforce a decision after it is given, upon matters of contract between freedpeople and their employers

I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
J.P. Richardson
2nd Lieut 26th Infantry
Actg Sub Asst Commissioner