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Report for April 1869
Office of Sub Asst Comdr
Corpus Christi
Lt J.T. Kirkman A.A.A. Gen,

I have the honor to report that there have been no offences [[offenses]] committed against the colored people during the month of April Justice will be done to the freedpeople now more commonly, since a rebel is not permitted to sit upon a jury.

In many cases the feeling of the rebels are very bitter [[strikethrough]] feeling [[/strikethrough]] against the colored people, and the Bureau, occasionally gets some abuse, but that feeling is I believe is gradually subsiding, at least not so much openly said. The detachment stationed here has a very beneficial effect upon the would-be disorderly, that have hither to given them trouble.

There has been an unfriendly feeling, and even hostile, as far as they dared to be, and formerly I have been obliged to exercise authority as County Judge to protect the freedpeople, before receiving a commission.

The freedpeople are much interested on the subject of education, many of them are learning what they can, without a school and teacher, the colored people are exerting themselves to raise money to build a school house.

The business for the month of April was of small importance, in the collections of debts due freedmen for wages, a letter to the delinquents has so far been sufficient, My office hours are from 9am. to 3pm., urgent business will be attended to at any time of the day not absent from my office during the month of April, the number of troops stationed

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 12:52:09