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here, is a Corporal, and ten privates, which are very useful. The freedpeople would not be secure from wrong and insult, without their presence, neither could confiscated property be recovered.

The difficulty of obtain the wages due the freedmen by the civil law is tedious, and sometimes not worth the trouble, in some cases they have been held by their former masters after they were free, and finally turned away almost in a state of nudity.

The freedpeople are mostly employed as house servants, at dayly and monthly bargains, a few have trades, and teams, and employ themselves, this country not being favorable for agriculture, but few are employed in that business.

As there was no Bureau officer here at this commencement of the year, there were no written [[strikethrough]] contracts [[/strikethrough]] contracts made, the freedpeople are at work upon bargains That they made with their employers, and I hear but little complaint from either party, and if any injustice is attempted I shall be able to correct it. 

There are no abandoned Lands known to me in this district.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
John Dix.
Sub. Asst. Commr
B.R.,F. & A. L.  

Rations are issued at Indianola, and sent here once a month

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 09:59:18