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Office Sub. Asst. Com.
Sherman Texas June 30th 1867

J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US Inft. Galveston Texas
A.A.A. G.'l.

I hereby forward, in compliance with orders from Headquarters dated December 31st 1866 My Monthly Report for June 1867.

I In reference to criminal cases, murders &c which has come to my knowledge; there is but one murder, that has come to my knowledge in my District; that was the murder of Wm Bowland Freedman, his murderers are not positively known but every circumstance points to one Wm Wilson & Bob. Tittle as being the guilty parties; Tittle has been arrested by the military and is here awaiting trial; Wilson made his escape to the Indian country or to Arkansas. The circumstances of the murder are as follows, the murderers overtook the freedman on the highway and murdered him simply because he was free, and took from him
[[left margin]] to Comdg offcr Sherman follow the man Kill or capture [[/left margin]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 09:47:48