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will come off pretty well this season provided they are not cheated out of their rights by the planters.
The difficulties under which I labor are want of transportation, authority &c to travel over my Sub District in order to see condition of and converse with and advise the Freedmen of my District for I am satisfied that there are many of the Freedmen who have grievous complaints to make if they could get the chance but living as they do so remote from this office they have not the means to come here.  I wish to be informed under these circumstances if, why I cannot have transportation &c allowed me to travel over my District during the coming month, see the wants of the freed people their condition, and make my report accordingly.
If I cannot be allowed this privilege without I would respectfully ask that an order might be issued from Head Quarters enabling me to do so
Furthermore I need some assistance here I have a man named James De Dains of Co D 6th U.S. Cavalry I would respectfully ask that he may be permantly [[permanently]]