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incompatible with the dignity of a judge or a loyal citizen. I therefore wrote the judge, instructing him that in all cases coming before him for adjudication he should adjust them; & as long as his decision was impartial & without distinction of color, he should not be interfered with; I should however require an account of all cases & a statement as to facts & their final adjustment. There are several unimportant Entries in the Complaint Book made previous to my entering on the discharge of my duties.

Contracts had been entered into prior to the advent of Lt Manning, & from the copies I have seen, it is about as fair for one as the other for in the strict letter of the law neither party is bound to anything. I have however notified parties holding Contracts to furnish me copies of the same.

There is no colored school in this county & being without means of conveyance embarrasses me greatly in forming any for there is a great tract of Country to pass over & the plantations lay miles apart & to tend to my business

Transcription Notes:
Two small areas unable to determine the word/ phrase. Last sentence continues to next page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 12:56:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 11:13:54