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The feeling of the white people, on the subject of Education, does not appear to be hostile, yet they are unwilling to assist or encourage the freedpeople in their efforts to 
pro-cure an education for themselves or their children.

The freedpeople themselves are making some small effort to build school houses in this place (Columbia), and the Town of Brazoria, but are much delayed in Brazoria, on account of the lumber that has been promised them, not coming to hand.
The Official business transacted during the month, has been cheifly the arbitration of small cases arising between the freedpeople themselves and freedpeople and their employers, most of a very trivial nature, and caused mostly by the women; also the examination of the facts connected with the case of Adelaide, (fwc) vs. C.C. Millican; a report of which will be forwarded in a few days.

The difficulty, under which I labor, in the discharge of my duties, is the want of a horse, without which it is impossible to attend to the business which is necessary to be performed; as it is impossible for me

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 08:56:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 16:17:28