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Office of Sub Asst. Comr. &c.
Corpus Christi July 20, 1867

JR Kirkman A.A.A.Gen.,


I have the honor to report, that no criminal offences have been committed against freed people in this District, this month of June. 

During the month of June I have released three young persons who have been held by a Mr Bags, a girl about 12 or 15 years old, another about 11, and a boy 7 or 8 years old. They were nearly naked, and report that they have been cruelly treated, and the scars upon their heads and limbs abundantly confirms their report. Bags has a bad reputation, savage and cruel to his slaves. 

These children I have placed in families where they will be cared for.

Many who employ freed people, will not pay them there wages until compelled, some suits are brought before a Justice of the Peace, but in most cases a letter to the delinquants answers the purpose,

 Have this month restored to Don Cicelio Valero, seventeen head of horse stock that had been con-

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