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Office Sub. Ass't. Commissioner.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Wharton Texas. July 1st 1867.

Lieut. J.T. Kirkman.
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Texas.

In compliance with Circular Letter from Hd Qrs Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Texas, dated Dec'r 31st 1866, I have the honor to submit the following report:

The number of criminal offences committed against freedpeople in this county during the month of June 1867, was five (5). Of these offences, four (4) were Assaults and Batteries, and one was Burglary.

No notice whatever was taken of any of these offences by the civil authorities. The first case of Assault and Battery was that of Daniel Chatman, (F.M.C.) vs. Frank Bell.

On the second day of June these parties became engaged in a trifling dispute, which terminated in Frank Bell's striking [[strikethrough]] striking [[/strikethrough]] Chatman over the head with a stick, without, however, inflicting upon him any serious injury. The case was tried June 8th, and Bell was found guilty, and fined seven dollars ($7). The fine was made this light as on the trial the evidence showed that Daniel Chatman had used insulting and provoking language towards Frank Bell. The second case of Assault and Battery, was that of Thomas Miles (F.M.C.) vs. Robert Drain. The parties had become engaged in an angry dispute, when Robert Drain hurled a glass goblet at Miles, which struck him on his right forearm, and broke into fragments, inflicting a painful, though not serious, wound upon him. The case was called for trial June 14th and Drain plead guilty to the charge, and was fined five dollars ($5). Robert Drain was fined this lightly as it was shown that Miles had used very insulting and provoking language towards him.