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to floor it and put desks in as soon as I am informed will report to you of of it. 

A young lady (German) has been engaged by the Freedmen to assist Mr. Davis. I did not engage her nor do I think her a competant Teacher, but as Mr Davis has full confidence of her abilities I allow her to assist him.

My office home are as usual. I cannot, make my tour of inspection of my Dist until I get horses for an escort, and I respy urge upon the General, the necessity of having horses at this Post, had I been mounted the eve, of 26th ult. I could easily have, arrested the murderer of Mr Sam White of Bastrop as it was I borrowed Horses of citizens next morning & started 4 men & a Sergt for Corsicana it being understood that he would rendezvous them with rest of gang, horses could not be procured, in the Evening