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Riley. Riley asked the boy to do something for him & the boy refused & Riley picked a stick and hit him with it. Information has been filed in the County Court and the case will be tried at the August Term of said court. The Boy was not seriously injured. 

There has also occurred lately a Robery against a family of Negroes, and of the facts I am not fully advised. Some young white man hunting cattle went into the home of a Freedman and took from the woman and children his pot of victuals cooking over the fire and eat it. This was done in more wantonness and more in a spirit to harass & distress them, than because they needed the food, and on that account they are the more guilty. No action has yet been commenced against the perpetrators and I am not yet informed of the names of the parties but have sent for the Freedmen to ascertain the facts, and shall see that they are righted in the matter, and the lawless brought to punishments.