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in the same light. they are no better than a negro.

I am unburying every case I can
hear of thats fear issued by unpunished & bringing them before the grand Jury now in 
session.  They refused to admit negro testimony
against white criminals where black was not m'-
volved.  but insisted upon it.  They reluctantly
consented. that it will be carried out in good faith
is doubtful.  I find the Texas Union man as deeply
prejudiced against the negro as the Rebel testimony
 are held at about the same valuation
In portions of Ellis County, there are some
bad men.  I 2 am reliably informed that in two
or three instances Freedmen are still held in
bondage by their original owners. that they attempted to run off were brought back at the muzzle of a gun or guns.  These white men are very desperate characters. There truly been waiting for my troops to come (they have not come yet) to correct these Evils. For it would be
imposible to enforce my orders without them.  In Tarrant County there is a bad definition displayed by the people towards the Government Union men & Freedmen in partic-
ulor. They are as far from being deconstructed now as of the close of the war.  perhaps less so