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power.  The number of Troops, stationed in my Dist. are about 20 duty men, without a horse, or a mule able to do service

As to Schools, and the disposition of the Freedmen themselves, to promote and encourage education:  I will say, that I have got them arroused on the subject, and they begin to evince a  proper spirit; I have got a room for them and a School ready to go into operation, at Woodville, but have, until now, been unable to procure the services of a teacher;  They are willing to do all they can, in they way of paying teacher &c

As to the business I have transacted, its character &c;  The principal portion of my off. business, has been in travelling over my Dist.; but I have been sick, and unable to attend to business for a greater portion of my time.  I was absent from my Dist 4 or 5 days, on business not strictly connected with Bureau. -

I have no report of Rations or abandoned Lands make, having none. -

I have the honor to be, Lieut.,
Resp'y Your Obd't. Serv't,
C.B. Johnson
S.A. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
not sure about first initial of signature.