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when he came to us.  I think it was about 10 o'clock when I heard a gun fire.  I could not tell in which direction the gun fired.

Cross Examined

There is a lane running west from the river between the Ward & Goodloe places, about 350 yards long, - from the mouth of the lane to where Wash was killed I think about 4 or 5 hundred yards.  I think it was about 150 yards from where Wash was killed to Mr. Ward's fence.  As well as I can recollect I saw Mr Ward at his house the day before.  I think I have heard Christ. Vick speaking of Wilson Hanks & his lay out, meaning his relations having three thousand dollars to spend.  He Mr. Ward was at home to dinner the day of the killing.  I was ploughing in Mr. Pitts place that day using his team.  I think I have also heard Mr. Cowan say that he had heard of Wilson & the boys having three thousand Dollars to spend, - it was a general talk through the neighborhood.  I do not remember that I told Mr. Cowan that Wash was bragging during District. Court that he had $2000 to splurdge on.  I do not know how the news got into the neighborhood about these parties having the money to spend.  Mr. Cowan or Mr Pitts asked me to plough in the place of Mr. Pitts while Mr. Pitts went to San Felipe.  After the [[strikethrough]] ploughing [[/strikethrough]] killing Mr Cowan asked me to continue in Mr Pitts place, and I did so.

Enos Cooper

Subscribed before
me June 11th 1867.
Chas. T. Kavanaugh J.P.A.C.