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(Mrs Matthews) that he witness did not put up his horse.  Witness says when he quit Major Fort, he had no settlement with him, - that Major Fort never paid him anything. - Said he had no money.  Witness says that he did not have a settlement with Mayor Fort in the presence of Mr McMullen, not as he knows of. - I was working for 5 dollars per month. Mayor Fort paid Oss. three dollars & a half when we left, came to BuckHorn & worked for Mr Matthews.  Major Fort did not pay me in cloths goods, tobacco &c. - as much as my Services amounted to.  He did not buy any goods or tobacco for me.  I have known Stanford ever since he was born. - I bought the cake of the woman that keeps the cake shop back of Mr Bucks store. - Major Fort Leon Matthews and Mrs. Matthews all lived together when I was living with Major Fort. - I do not know whether Capt Hunt staid all night at Mrs. Matthews or not, & if he Capt. Hunt did stay there (Mrs Matthews) all night, it was after I left there, - when witness brought the cake for Sanford he (Sanford) said he was going up and tell about it, - I watched him and he did not come up into the Court room. - I have received no message from Major Fort in the last month or two.

Bacchus Byers  his x mark

Sworn to & Subscribed before
me June 12th 1867
Chas. T. Kavanaugh J.P.A.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 16:56:06 Fixed many, many mistakes. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 12:32:01 changed Mayor Fort to Major Fort, and put his x mark after full name to facilitate searching