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Office Sub. Asst. Comr
Marlin Texas June 8th 1867


I have the honor to transmit contracts, approved of this Office, during the month of June. And make the following Report.

On the 2nd day of June, I left Marlin for Austin, as per Subpoena from the United States District Court, to appear as witness, on the part of the Government, in the case of the United States V.S. A.P. Delano.  High waters prevented my arrival before the 6th and the balance of the evidence before the 7th, went before the Grand Jury, and before they had taken all the evidence offered, found a true bill, saying they had enough evidence.

On the 8th the case was called, and the prosecuting Attorney demanding bail, and re-arresting the defendent - fixing the bail at an increase of five hundred dollars, and taking straw security.

On the 10th the case was again called, and the defendent swore in open Court, that he was not prepared to go to trial, for want of important witnesses, which he named.  not-withstanding, he, had all the men, he required at the first examination of Messers Hancock & Wert, Attorneys for defendent, having gone to Bastrop, leaving an Attorney by the name of Bowers, to attend to the case for them.  I gave them notice if they connived at the escape of this man,