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Cases adjudicated by Sub. Asst. Comr Galveston Texas

[[4 columned table]]
| Date | Names of parties | Complaint | Action Taken. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| June 23 | Minnie Qualls F.W. Saml. Handy F.M. | Complains that Handy has a sister which her mother willed to her (Qualls) and asks that Handy be made to give up the child. | Sent for parties. The child expressed a desire to remain with Handy, & it was so ordered. |

| 27 | Geo. Barteen, F.M. A.C. Williamson (wht) | Complains that he was assaulted by Mr W. with bricks - and struck by him once, and was also threatened by Mr. W. that if he came near him again he would kill him | Sent Guard to Clear Creek - brought Mr. W. Here - confined him in Guard House overnight in consequence of not being able to find a Justice of Peace - In morning was handed over to Judge Read. |

| 28 | Freedmen Anderson Henry, Brighton & Miles | Complain that they worked for Capt. Jones on Barge 3 days & for such work they receive $4 per day - Captain will only pay them $3 a day. | Captain was ordered to pay $3 per day - as he boarded them - when they get $4 per day they Board themselves. |