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Cases adjudicated by Hon. Judge Read,

[[4 columned table]]
| Date | Name of parties | Complaint | Action Taken |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| June 6 | The State vs. Bill Griffin F.M. | Threatening to take life of Alex. Sterling F.M. | Guilty. Fined $10 and costs & gave bail for $100 for 1 year |

| 11th | The State vs. Tom White F.M. | Stealing from Margarett McKeller, F. Woman, | Dismissed for want of evidence |

| 13, | The State v.s. Geo. Isuncke (white) | Assaulting a freedman, | Fined $5 & costs making $15 |

| 15, | The State v.s. Geo. Derwalt (white ) | Assaulting a freed Boy | Dismissed for want of prosecution. |

| 16 | The State v.s. Isam Jones f.B. | Theft of money from Jerry Jones F.M | Dismissed for want of evidence |

| 18 | The State v.s. John Douglass | Assaulting John Thompson F.M. | Dismissed for want of prosecution. |

| 29 | The State v.s. A.C. Wilkinson (wht) | Assault & Battery upon Geo. Barteen, f.m. | Fined $15 & costs & held to bond in his personal recognitance in the sum of $250 to keep peace for one year. |

| 28, | The State v.s. Charley Johnson f.m. | Stealing some 2 or $300 in gold from an unknown freedman stopping at Freedman's Hall in this City. | Arreested by the City Police yesterday, on another charge, and will also be held to answer this. |