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Prof. Lorch.     - 2 -

Reed, Robt.      Walker, Horatio
Ryder            Weir
Schilling        Winter
Steichen         Wyant


and perhaps two or three others.

Many of these pictures have been only recently painted, and we are borrowing them directly from the artists. Others are owned by collectors in Detroit and elsewhere.

We feel very happy in being able to bring together so important a group, and we are hoping to make the exhibition a real event - one which will rank with the best exhibitions of American Art thus far made. By adding the Oriental exhibitions, we feel that we can fairly claim a unique place in the public exhibitions thus far made in America. However, we will have further information, including copy and photographs for reproduction to submit at our meeting next week. If agreeable to you and your associates, I would be glad to have the meeting held at my home.

Believe me,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Prof. Emil Lorch.
Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-14 16:29:55