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Un. of Michigan

#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan.
March 30, 1914

My dear Doctor Angell:

Accept please my thanks for your kind lines of the 25th instant, and let me say in reply that I have received from Mr. McCormick, Secretary of the Asistic [[Asiatic]] Institute, a copy of the Monograph, referring to the destruction of antiquities in China, and I regret to say that to my positive knowledge the facts are not overstated in the Monograph, referred to.

The situation seems to be critical but I fear that nothing can be accomplished by the China Monuments Society without the cooperation of the Chinese Government through its Custom Service. If the Chinese Government would give proper instructions to its Custom Service, that organization could, I believe, absolutely prevent the exportation of antiquities of all kinds which should be kept at home.

In order that you may understand the work to which the Asiatic Institute is devoted, I have pleasure in sending you, enclosed herein, a clipping from the New York Times, of April 22, 1913, which outlines the hopes of its organizers and names the general committee. After you shall have finished reading the clipping, will you kindly return it to me for my files.

Let me also add that the Chinese Monument Society, while an independent organization whose executive committee is made up large-

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