Viewing page 165 of 528

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.


July 18" 1895
[[?]] #152, 358 Lane Street

Your note [[?]] Mr.Hecker dated June 16th [[?]]
[[?]] $553.37 matures July 19th 1895. Do you wish to [[?]]
[[?]] If not, [[?]] new note to Mr.Hecker with
[[?]] for the interest on the old note to July 1895, 
$47.38 will be perfectly satisfactory to Mr.Hecker's [[?]] will return the old note to you.

Yours truly,
H.A.B. Aikman

Transcription Notes:
This is a very faded page and seems like a good portion of the left-hand side is just gone. So I am not sure how easy it will be to transcribe the letter in this state.