Viewing page 329 of 528

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December 12th, 1896.
Mr. C. C. Murphy,
204 Broadway, New York City
Dear Sir:-
Referring to the five shares of the parent stock of the Rogers Typograph Company owned by you, the equivalent of which is $600.00 par value of the capital stock of the Rogers Typographic Company.

In Mr. Freer's absence, I have received from the Trustees of the Rogers Typographic Company check [[obscured - for?]] $6.00 in payment of dividend of 1% on the above stock, being a further distribution of the assets of the Rogers Typographic Company, [[obscured- I?]] have pleasure in enclosing herewith the Rogers Typographic company's voucher and New York draft to your order for $6.00. Kindly receipt voucher and return same to me.

Yours truly,


Transcription Notes:
The page has a long fold down the center, obscuring some words or part of words. Most words can be inferred with little struggle. Should they be transcribed? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-21 14:27:41 Transcribed most obscured words ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-21 19:05:40