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November 17th, 1897.

Michigan Stove Company,
Detroit, Mich.

Referring to the 9-13-21 Monarch Range 14 in. Pan Center furnished by your Company to Mr. Freer on October 29th, last. This is not what Mr. Freer wants for his range and I now enclose you pattern taken from the old center, which will perhaps enable you to determine what he requires. Will you do me the favor to furnish a new center the same size and shape as the enclosed pattern, sending it to Mr. Freer #915 Union Trust Building. At the time your teamster delivers the new center I will return the old one to him, which is now in my office. Kindly render bill for the new center to take the place of the original bill which I return to you herewith.
Thanking you for trouble you have already taken in this matter, I am,
Yours truly,
H.A.B. Aikman