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|Sept. 7. See Let. Book, Vol.1-P.22|Allen Walker (F.) vs. John A. Miller} Wrongful detention of Property.
Complaint:_ That three years ago, during the Rebellion, the Confederate military authorities lost three cows in the neighborhood of his house, and the officer in charge gave him the cows if he would get them. That he hunted them up, took them into his possession, fed and cared for them, and had had them ever since, until a few days ago- That Deft. then took the cows into his possession, and refuses to let Plff. have them. 
Letter to Defendant, communicating substance of complaint, and requiring him to deliver up the cows, or show cause whereby should not, and a better title.|

|Sept. 7. Letter Book, Vol. 1. P 22.| Suckey Eason, (F) vs. Moseby.} Detention of Grand child.
Complaint: - That she is the Grand mother of a small boy, whose parents are dead; that as such grand mother she is the proper guardain of the child; that it is unlawfully held by the Defendant, who refuses to give it up; that he claims it under indentures granted by the court; but that if there be such indentures, they were given without her knowledge or consent.
Letter to Defendant, demanding by what authority he withholds the guardainship of the child from its grandmother.
Sept. 19. Recd notice of Deft's death.
N.J. Nelson, J.P., says the mother is not able to support the child. Returned to the court.|


|Sept. 9. Letter Book, Vol. 1.P.23.|Margaret Lee, (Cold.) vs. Samuel Taylor.} Debt for services.
Complaint: - That she entered Deft's employ, seven months ago, to take care of his brother, who was deaf and dumb; that no price was named, except that Deft promised to pay her as much as the best field hand; that he has never given her any wages, or any thing except a few articles of clothing, of but little value, and that he has now discharged her without cause or payment, and refuses to pay more that she has received.
Letter to Defendant, requesting him to settle with an pay plff. what her services are fairly worth. Or for the parties to come before me for settlement.|

|Sept. 7 Letter Book, Vol-1-P-24|William Buckner, (cold.) vs. George Smith (cold.)} Assault & Battery.
Complaint: - That defendant, without cause, struck him with a pair of brass knuckles, and severely cut his head.
Letter to Mr. N. J. Nelson, Justice of the Peace, requesting him to issue a warrant for George's arrest.|