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|Letter Book, Vol. 1. P. 36.|Henry Lee, (F) vs. Geo. R. Farmer.} Debt.
Complaint: That he worked for Mr. Farmer in 1866, for one year, for one fourth of the crop, which he afterwards sold for $416.50, to Deft. And for work and labor - $115.  $531.50
Defence: Bill of goods - 160.25
Labor employed to take the place Geo. Jenks on and Martin Anderson - 172.50
Geo. Jackson's amount. 31.90
Martin Anderson's amt. 21.00
Cash.                  50.00  435.65
Balance owe -                  95.85
Agreed between parties that Deft shall pay Plff., in cash, $100.|

|Letter Book Vol. 1. P. 49.|Ann Bruton, (F) vs. D. J. Wetherley.} Debt. $20.
Complaint: That she was discharged without cause, and without payment. That Deft. owes her $20. That she has no work or rations.
Defence: That she was discharged because the worms had entirely destroyed the crop, and there was nothing to do.
Judgt. for $20.|

|Letter Book, Vol. 1. P. 44.| Ellison Lynch (F) vs. I. T. Switzer} Debt. $6.67.
Complaint: That Deft. has discharged Plff. without paying him a balance due him of $6.67 on wages.
Letter Deft. to pay the amount.|


|Letter Book Vol. 1. P. 34.|John Chester, F vs. Wm. L. Nugent.} Breach of Contract.
Complaint: That Deft. has discharged him without payment or settlement. That he worked from Jan. to Sept. eight mots, for Deft., and has not been paid. That he was discharged without cause. That he was to receive $18 per month.
Defence: That Plff. was lazy, and idled his time to such an extent, that it became necessary to discharge him, to preserve the other hands from the ill effects of his example. That has received in money and goods, after deducting lost time, more than his wages.
Parties present, and complaint investigated. Claim, $144.00.
Deft. filed bill for goods amount $117.60
Deft. filed bill for lost time      44.85
Deft. filed bill for rations -      22.75
Plff. admits having received the goods and rations, but denies having lost so much time.
Time lost forty days at 69 cts per day $27.60
Balance due Deft. - $23.95.
Complaint dismissed.|

|Letter Book, Vol. 1. P. 34.|William Johnson, F vs. William L. Nugent.} Breach of Contract.
Complaint the cause is in Chester vs. Nugent.
Plff's claim, 6 mos. services at $18 per mo. $144.00
Deft's claim, bill of goods 99.20
rations                     22 06
Lost time, acknowledged     27 60    148 86
Balance due Deft.                      4.86
Case dismissed.|