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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 4th, 1918.

Seaouke Yue, Esq.,
Care, Poh Yuen Tsar,
3 Newchang Road,
Shanghai, China.

Dear Mr. Yue:-

In your letter of November 31st,1917, you mentioned the scroll on paper by Li Ch'eng which you kindly sent to me through our mutual friend, Mr. K. T. Wong.
Since the scroll was turned over to me by Mr. Wong, I have spent considerable time in its examination and I am glad to tell you that I find it of much interest and a very clever artistic representation.

My collection includes a painting attributed to Zhour Poo which I purchased in Shanghai some years ago, and comparison of the two pictures has given to me many suggestions, among others an impress-ion that both pictures were painted by the same man, and I name this fact to you with the request that you let me know your own idea, if you have time, as to the authenticity of the attributes of the picture bought from you. Is it the work of Li Ch'eng or is it perhaps the work of Zhour Poo or some other painter? Has Mr. P'ang and Lai Ch'en seen it, and if so whom does he think painted the picture? Any information in addition to the above that you can furnish me concerning this scroll, either as to painter or earlier owners, will be much appreciated.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-28 07:14:47