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were attacked by the notorious Cullen Baker, and his band of desperadoes, numbering twelve men, one of the soldiers was killed, one mortally wounded, and the other two slightly wounded, the mules, wagon and supplies, were carried off by Baker.  This is the second time that Baker has attacked and killed U.S. Soldiers within the last two months. 

Baker is a terror to the well disposed Citizens of Marion, Davis and Bowie Counties, but there is a certain class which I am sorry to know are in the majority, that render him all possible aid, regarding him as a representative of the lost cause.  He is very useful to this class, as he controls their freedmen, and does not hesitate to shoot them on the slightest complaint made by their employers.  The scene of this mans murderous exploits is within thirty miles of Mt. Pleasant, where two companies of the 6th Cavalry are stationed.
An effort should be made to capture this man and his desperate associates, unless this is done other desperate men will follow his example, and murder and [[repaine?]] will be the order of the day, 

Transcription Notes:
just can't make out one word near the end ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-02 12:47:02