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   Civil Actions
[[4 columned table]]
| Date | Name & Race of Plaintiff | Name & Race of Defendant | Complaint, Action taken by Courts and Bureau |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1867 Octob. 22 | Julio Smith (Freedman) | Abner Smith (White) | Account for wages $77.50. Order by Bureau, that Pltff have a recover from Defdt the sum of $ 30 in sp |
| Octob 22 | Milton Butler (Frm) | Joseph Lusk (White) | Account for wages $20. Ordered by Bureau, that Pltff have a recover from Dfdt the sum of $7.15 in sp |
| Octob 25 | Jim Turner (Frm) | Jordan James (Frm) | Account for wages $100. Ordered by the Bureau, that Pltff have and recover from Dfdt the sum of $100 in sp. |
| October 26. | Marywith Ward (Freedman) | John Bennett (white) | Account for wages $21. Ordered by Bureau, that Pltff have and recover from Defendant the sum of $10 in sp. |
| October 26. | Guy Adley (Freedman) | George Stafford (white) | Account for wages $18. Ordered by Bureau that Pltff have and recover from Defdt the sum of $18 in sp. |
|Octob 26. | Nelson Chirt  (Freedman) | Dick Gregory (Freedman) | Account for debts $6.50. Ordered by the Bureau to dismiss the case the Defdt being not indebted. 

Transcription Notes:
A few ?? could use another set of eyes. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 18:23:49