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[[7 columned table]]
| Name of Teacher. | Is Teacher Paid by Bureau? | School - where located. | Total Pupils attending day School. | Total Pupils attending night School. | Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1. Harry Garrett (Freedm) | no | San Augustine County | 48 | - | - | } Both teacher are not competent to teach any longer |

| 2. Specer Brooks (Freedm.) | no | San Augustine, San Augustine County | 37 | - | - | } |

"Give a statement of the official business transacted during the month; its nature and your method of disposing of the same. State your office hours; the number of days absent from office, if any, and reason for the same."

During the month of October I have been dividing an settling crops. All the settlements must be made at my office, all the parties interested being present.

My office hours are from 8 to 12 A.M. and from 2 to 5 P.M. I have been absent from my office 5 days, for the purpose of settling some difficult matters at Milam and Hemphill, Sabine Co.

"State the number of Troops at your Post and the necessity for the same; whether or not the freed people would be secure if they were removed; in other words will the civil authorities protect them and give them justice; &c., &c."

There are nine (9) enlisted men of the 26 U.S. Inf., at this post. They are needed to protect the freedpeople and myself. The civil authorities, when and where there are any, are (when controlled) willing to do justice. In Shelby Co there are none, and my force is too small, to be of much avail.

My life, or those of my men, are far from being safe, when we are compelled to visit Shelby County.