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[[4 Columned Table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | |Nature of offense; Statement of circumstances; Actions taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c., |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| October 4, 1867. | G. W. Wall, American, | R. W. Black, American, | Wilful Murder. - Wall walked in to a store in Uvalde, Texas, where he met Black, and shot him dead without provocation or warning. On learning of the occurrence, the criminal was pursued by Detachments of troops from Fort Inge, but he succeeded in making his escape Mexico, where he has since been arrested at the request of F. P. McManns, Dept. Custom house collecter at Eagle Pass, Texas, who was notifyed from the Head Quarters of this post, to look out for him.
The criminal is now in confinement at Predros Negros, Mexico. - I have claimed the prisoner in accordance with the extradition treaty presenting the necessary papers in due form from Judge Noonan, extradition commissioner for the State of Texas, but the authorities at Predros Negros refuse to deliver him until instructions are received from the Governor of the State of Cohahuila. |

| October 17. 1867 | E. Thacker, American, |   | Assisting the murderer G. W. Wall, to escape and guiding him by an unfrequented path accross the Rio Grande in to Mexico. He is now in confinement at Fort Inge, Texas, with the intention of turning him over to the civil authorities. |