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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| October 24, 1867. | George W. Watson, (colered) | G. W. Wall (American) | Claim for wages due for labor performed. The claimant showed that the defendant was indebted to him to the amount of ($375.) three hundred and seventy five dollars (specie) showing the defendants due Bill therefor, and that defendant refused to pay it. The sub assistant Commissioner at this post seized property belonging to defendant, valued equal to the amount of the claim, viz: One Ox Wagon and six yokes of oxen and turned them over to claimant. The above was the only property on defendants premises that would be of any service to the claimant. |

Transcription Notes:
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