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10. "State the kind of crops raised and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or a portion of the crop and the customary amount of either."
But few crops of any kind are raised in this District.  The freedpeople are nearly all working for monthly wages.  They receive about ten dollars per month, specie.

11. "Include in your Report the operations of the State laws as applied to freed people, with a special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law, and Law regulating labor."
I can not say with any certainty that the state laws make any difference to the people here, this is demonstrated by the satisfaction that prevails. 

12. "Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties and how the same may be remedied."
The various duties devolving on me, prevents my visiting all the localies in which the freed people reside and making closer observations.  I however glean from themselves, that they are comfortable and happy and have assured them that any wrong committed against them, shall be redressed. 

Transcription Notes:
localities is misspelled in original (as LOCALIES), transcribed as written. Kf ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 13:25:02