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[[4 Columned Table]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offense; Statement of circumstances; Actions taken by [[strikethrough]] Courts and [[/strikethrough]] Bureau, &c., &c., |

| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1867. Oct 3. | Tho S Campbell | Jane Erwine | Assault & Battery  Deft found guilty and fined $20. paid. |
| 1867. Oct 5 | Henry Click | MS. | Forcibly preventing the serving of a summons from the office. Fined $50. paid. |
| 1867. Oct 5 | John Bull | W H Warren. | Assault & Battery.  Deft fined $50. collected by Dewitt C. Brown, late ASA Com. |
| 1867. Oct 11 | Henry Bunckly | Ann Coleman | Assault & Battery. After a hearing the complaint was dismissed |
| 1867. Oct 12 | Joe Fluellyn | Jeff Mitchell | Assault & Battery. Deft found guilty, and fined $20 paid |
| 1867. Oct 13 | Frank Coleman | Albert Moore | Assault & Battery. Case dismissed after a hearing |
| 1867. Oct 15 | Frank Wharton | Alexander Loften | Assault & Battery. After a hearing, Deft was found guilty & fined $15 pd |
| 1867. Oct 19 | HH Kirkland | Joanna Nichols | Assault & Battery. Deft found guilty and fined $25. pd |
| 1867. Oct 25 | Miles Stevens c | Jacob Brown | Assault & Battery. Deft found guilty & fined $5.00 |