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Civil Actions

[[5 columned table]]
| Date | Name and Race of Criminal | Name and Race of Plaintiff | Complaint | Action Taken by Bureau |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 25 | Harrison (fr) | Mr. Belsted | is owing him $3.75 | Ordered to pay and complied |

| 27 | Tom Fisher (fr) | Mr. Carter | Is owing him for labor | Ordered to pay and complied |

| 29 | Mary Williams | Dr. Ewell | Has not settled with her | Ordered to pay and complied | Ordered to pay and complied | 

| 30 | Wm Riley (fr) | Mr. Hammons | Is owing him for labor | Ordered to pay and complied |

| 31 | Mag't Ector | Si Jones (fr) | Is owing her $3.00 for washing | Ordered to pay and complied |

| 31 | Tom Browning | Mr. Dawon | Is owing him $1.20 for labor | Ordered to pay and complied |