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(Give name and Description of Criminals not captured.)

Sam Rutledge (case reported last month) Shooting at Dave Richer with intent to kill - White man about 22 years old, 6 ft in highth black hair thin black moustach no whiskers and has a habit of looking under his brows - Probably gone to Grimes County where his Grandfather lives 

Jack Conner aiding and abetting the above about 19 years old about 4 1/2 feet high, light complection Dark Brown hair blue eyes rather slender built a little bow legged and is an adept at dealing montè.  He looks like a boy of 12 years old. He left Austin with Rutledge and is supposed to be with him

Clay Eans is a white man about 20 years old, about 5 ft 7 inch high, Light-Brown hair, blue or gray eyes, medium built, has red blotches on hands and face-

Thomas C. Wilson is about 25 years old, near 6 ft high, slender, light hair, gray eyes & light complection-