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[[7 columned table]]
| Name of Teacher. | Is Teacher Paid by Bureau? | School - where located. | Total Pupils attending day School. | Total Pupils attending night School. | Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| J.N. Leetch | 1 | Crockett | 39 |   |   |   |

"Give a statement of the official business transacted during the month; its nature and your method of disposing of the same. State your office hours; the number of days absent from office, if any, and reason for the same."

For the past month I have been principally engaged in settling some of last year accounts for the freedpeople.
Office hours from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. 
I have not been absent from Office during the past month.

"State the number of Troops at your Post and the necessity for the same; whether or not the freed people would be secure if they were removed; in other words will the civil authorities protect them and give them justice; &c., &c."

I have a detail of one Corporal and four men, belonging to Comp. D 26th U.S. Inft. stationed at Centreville Texas, Cap. J.H. Bradford commdg. Civil Authorities in this County has in nearly all cases given protection and justice to Freedmen.