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For the YEAR 1772. [65



1ft. THIS day public prayers were offered up, in all the churches throughout the Dutch provinces, for a cessation of the sickness among the cattle.

About eleven o'clock a reprieve came to Newgate for Joseph Flendell, for burglary; and John Young, alias Smith, for robbing Esther Bulford, on the highway.

2d. Was executed at Tyburn, pursuant to their sentence, attended by the under sheriff, Powel, Burch, and Martin, for forgery. Powell behaved with great fortitude and resignation to his fate, which drew tears from many of the spectators. He exhorted his fellow-sufferers not to be dismayed, but put their trust in God. He said he was happy in going out of this world. Went in a mourning coach, and the other two in a cart. When they came to the place of execution, they prayed and sung psalms. Martin and Burch behaved with great decency; they were turned off about eleven. Some means were used to bring Powell to life again, but without effect.

James Harris, jun. Esq; had the honour to kiss the king's hand, on being appointed his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the court of Berlin.

6th. About half after nine in the morning, three powdermills on Hounslow-heath blew up, by what accident is not known. The explosion was felt throughout the cities of London and Westminster, and the inhabitants were greatly alarmed, supposing it an earthquake.

About the time the explosion was felt at London, some families at Stockwell were terrified with the rattling and breaking of their china, which they attributed to a preternatural cause. A Lady of fortune was so firmly persuaded that some invisible agent was concerned, that she discharged her maid, whom she suspected of having an intercourse with the wicked spirit; and, when she was gone, as no more mischief ensued, consoled herself that she had got rid of so dangerous an inmate.

Being twelfth day, the offering was made at the altar by the Lord Chamberlain. Their majesties did not go to hear divine service at the chapel royal Their majesties not being accustomed to play at hazard, ordered a handsome gratuity to the groom porter; and orders were given, that, for the future, there be no card playing amongst the servants.

Extract of a Letter from Paris, Dec. 23. 

" On Friday last a very extraordinary event happened at the Duke de la Valliere's. The Marquis de Sorba, Minister from the Republic 

Transcription Notes:
long s looks like f, except that either no crossbar or only a nub on the left side of the staff (written as 'ſ') -- I found it easier to see the difference in full page view. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 08:03:02 f to be transcribed as s where it stands for it Same continuity throughout this document, at the nearing end, the word “majesties” is written as “majefties”. Similar to “dismayed” written as “difmayed”. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 20:35:33 Transcribe exactly as document says. - Done ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 21:56:42