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der Holborne, Bart. a Port Captain in the navy ; he was a long time in the King's Bench, and very lately discharged ; by his death the title defends to the eldest son of the late Admiral Holborne, who was his uncle.

Dunkirk, Feb. 20.  This day a placard was fixed up in different parts of the town, prohibiting the exportation of several kinds of provisions, on account of their high price and great scarcity.  This is the first instance of a prohibition of this nature becoming necessary in any part of Flanders.  Hitherto the market of this place, on account of the shipping and great concourse of strangers, has ever been considered by the country people as the greatest resource they had to dispose of their provisions, which they are now obliged to withhold, from a real scarcity of the necessaries of life.

Florence, Feb. 4.  The excessive rains, which have been almost continual for above a month past, have done very great damage in parts of this state, as well as all over Italy.

28th. Valentine Morris, Esq;  was called to the bar of the house, and examined on a charge, that he had taken the write of the last election of a knight of the shire to serve in this present parliament for the country of Monmouth from the messenger who was sent down to deliver the said write to the sheriffs, and of the delay in the execution of the said writ.  He acknowledged the offence, and was discharged.

29th.  This day, his majesty was pleased to confer teh order of the most Hon. Order of the Bath on Lieut. Col. Robert Murray Keith, his majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the court of Copenhagen.

Villainy is now arrived to such a height at London, that no man is safe in his own house.  About 18 porters belonging to the principal shops in the neighbourhood of Smithfield have some time past been in combination, and have robbed their masters.  They had shops in different places, which they supplied with stolen goods ; one as far as Birmingham.  Four of them were this day examined before a magistrate, one of whom turned evidence, by whose confession a most astonishing scene of iniquity has been disclosed.

A woman died lately in the district of Lyons at the age of 102 years.  Her husband died two years ago, aged 98.  They had lived together 78 years, and had 24 children.

At Utrecht, Margaret Aunfree, aged 119.

A few weeks ago, at Wolfingham, Durham, four publicans, the youngest 75 and teh eldest near 100.

A few days ago, in Pepper-Street, Southwark, Peter Rogers, fisherman, aged 107.

Thomas Dolton, of Fairlight in Sussex, aged 105.

Mrs. Walden, a widow lady, in Dublin ; by which an estate of 700l. per ann. comes to John Walden, a private soldier in the guards.

Mrs. Le Roffa, wife of Capt. Le Roffa, aged 101, at Mitcham in Surry.

John Simpson, aged 112, at Stratford in Essex.


For the YEAR 1772   [81

In Hackney workhouse, a John Morse, aged 112 years.

Mrs. Millicent Scott, aged 99, in Henrietta-Street, Covent-garden.

Henry Cromwell, Esq; great grandson of Oliver Cromwell.

2d.  Mr. Montague moved for a repeal of the act for the observance of the 30th of January ; but it met with a very cool reception, some treating it as a matter of little importance, and others bringing that any alteration in the Book of Common Prayer would be a breach of the act of union.

This day Lord Grosvenor, as president of the society of ancient Britons, accompanied by the stewards of that society, waived on his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and received the annual present towards maintaining, cloathing, and educating the helpless orphans of indigent Welch parents.  They were received graciously, but given to understand, that future applications of that kind would be discountenanced.

A suit, instituted by the rector of Stonegrave, in Yorkshire, against two of his parishioners, for the tythe of milk and calf, was determined by the barons of the exchequer in favour of the rector.  A modus had been many years paid for these tythes, which the rector thought insufficient, and therefore insisted on taking them in kind, which the court judged he had a right to do.

An express arrived at Lord Rochford's office on Tuesday last from Paris, which brought the arrest of the French king, for the payment of all the Canada bills, the property of British subjects.

Vol. XV

Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Feb. 22.

"On the 19th inst. the following resolution was proposed in the House of Commons of this kingdom, viz.
"That whoever advised the carrying into execution the increasing the commissioners of the revenue beyond the number of seven, after the resolution which hath been now read (which resolution was subsequent to the date of his majesty's letters for appointing the said commissioners, agreeable to several acts of parliament empowering him so to do ; but prior to the carrying into execution, by letters patent, under the great seal, his majesty's intentions expressed in his majesty's letters) advised a measure contrary to teh sense of the house conveyed therein.

"The main question being put, the house divided, and there were told, for the resolution 106, against it 106.  Voices being this exactly equal, the speaker gave his vote in favour of the resolution."

Extract of a letter from Montego Bay to a gentleman in Jamaica, November 2.

"There is very bad news arrived from the coast of Cuba.  Two Spanish guarda costas have taken all the vessels on the coast belonging to this place and St. Ann's, none of which made any resistance against them, except Capt. Baird, belonging to this place, who fought with them near two hours.  The Spaniards delivered the wounded men a long boat they had taken, which is arrived here."

3d.  The vice-chancellor of Cambridge in full senate, appointed a committee to inspect records, and advise with counsel, how

Transcription Notes:
Aunfree or Aunsree