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84] ANNUAL REGISTER For the YEAR 1772. [85

where they tied his hands behind him, put him into a small old fishing-boat, and towed him out to sea, where they left him to die that death, which, they said, he had been the means of inflicting on several of his neighbors. 

The commons agreed to 17th. the following grants; that 8410 
1. be granted to his majesty, for purchasing antiquities brought from Italy, for the use of the public, to be vested in the trustees of the Museum. That 84O l. be granted to the trustees of the British Museum, for providing a proper repository for the said collection. 

The following cause was heard a few days ago in the court of Chancery. Some few years ago, General Stanwix, his lady, and daughter, were all lost (by the sinking of the vessel) in their passage from Dublin to Parkgate. The lady was his second wife, and the daughter was by the first wife. At his second marriage, it was stipulated in the settlement, that if the general survived his lady, the personal estate was to descend in such a line; if the lady survived the general, then in such a line; and if the daughter survived both of them, then in such a line. There were claimants in the cause under the supposition of each of these circumstances. The decree is not yet pronounced. 

18th. The last hearing on an appeal, in which Lord Pomfret was the appellant, and Mr. Smith of Gray's-Inn was the respondent, came on before the house of lords, when the lords ordered it to be reversed. 

The general quarterly court of East India proprietors was held at their house in Leadenhall-street, when six and a quarter was declared to be the dividend for the last half-year. The most material resolution was, that no more ships, except those now building, shall be built or be employed to and from the East-Indies upon freight, till the tonnage of the company's shipping shall be reduced to 45,000 tons, builders measure. 

James Bolland was this day executed for forgery. He was bred a butcher; but, being guilty of many notorious frauds in that business, he failed, and afterwards became a Sheriff's officer, in which profession he was guilty of so many frauds and oppressions, as are hardly to be credited. He was a personable man, about 45, knew all the quirks of the law, and had no restraint from conscience against committing the most villainous acts which the law could not reach.

Bolland, it is said, at the time of his being taken into custody, for the above crime, had above 2000 l. in a banker's hands, which he took care to dispose of, that it might not be forfeited to the sheriffs.

The new-born prince, son of Prince Charles of Mecklenburgh, was baptized by the names of George Charles Frederic. The sponsors were the King and Queen of Great Britain, the reigning Dukes of Mecklenburgh Schwerin and Strelitz, and the States of the Dutchy.

James Macpherson, Esq; was appointed by his majesty, secretary and clerk of the council to the province of West-Florida. 
Sir James Stewart, Bart. (who has been many years abroad on account of the late rebellion) having received the king's pardon, was presented to his majesty by Lord Barrington, and most graciously received. 

Coals are advanced to the enormous price of twenty-pence the bushel; through the uncommonly long continuance of contrary winds. The coal-merchants now give 4 l. a chaldron to each other, in order to supply their customers.

A violent storm of hail, thunder, and lightning, 
during divine-service in the afternoon, struck the congregations in many churches with the utmost terror; particularly at St. John's, Horslydown, where the hailstones breaking some of the windows, a great part of the people in the midst of the sermon precipitately ran out: many cloaks, cardinals, hats, &c. were lost. At Lambeth church, every one fled from near the windows, the charity girls were affrighted into a general outcry, and the whole congregation were in the utmost confusion. Mr. Goodson, a master taylor, in Craven-buildings, being at the late Mr. Whitefield's chapel in Tottenham-Court-Road, was struck dead with a flash of lightning; the studs in his sleeves were melted, his shirt was burnt and the hair on one side of his head. He had a little child with him, which he had put out of his arms before the accident happened. The blood-vessels seemed broke in every part of his body, and his cloaths were pierced as if shot, and greatly singed. The lightning was attracted by the acorn on the top of the chapel, and made its way down the wall against which Mr. Goodson was leaning. The acorn was entirely shivered in pieces.

Advice is received, by a letter from Governor Lyborne to the Earl of Hilsborough, dated at Grenada the 6th of Ja. left as also by a letter from Rear-Admiral Mann to the lords of the Admiralty, dated the 4th of the same month, that, in the night of Friday the 27th of December, a fire broke out in the town of St. George in that island, and that the whole town was, before morning, reduced to ashes, except some buildings of the careenage, and next the court-house and custom-house, saved chiefly by the activity of some seamen, sent from on board his majesty's ships lying off the town.

The flames were so rapid, that, notwithstanding the active assistance given by officers and private men of his majesty's 70th regiment, few of the inhabitants were able to save any of their effects; and the loss is supposed to amount to upwards of 200,000 l. sterling.

As soon as the fire was extinguished, his majesty's governor summoned the inhabitants to meet together, to consider what measures it might be proper to pursue. A committee was appointed to purchase, and to collect together in one place, all the provisions that could be got, that the inhabitants might know where to apply for immediate subsistence. A subscription was set on foot by the governor, for the relief of the poor sufferers; to which the merchants and planters contributed with great liberality. Two vessels, in the government's service, were  
dispatched to the neighbouring islands to procure provisions, one of which returned the 3d of January with her lading; and every measure has
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