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which it might establish, and the doctrines and principles it might hereafter maintain; and concluded by remarking, that it was not for 40s. that the glorious Hampden contended, but for the properties, liberties, and privileges of his countrymen.-This affair took up near two hours; and Sir Fletcher Norton protested, before he put the question on the corn and game bills, that he was sincerely for throwing them both over the table; and, when they were rejected, he was as good as his word, for he tossed them into the very middle of the house.

4th. Being the king's birthday, who then entered into the 35th year of his age, the court at St. James's to compliment his majesty, was the most splendid of any since the commencement of the present reign, if we except only the first after the accession. Lady Villars, Lady Carlisle, Lady Sefton, the Duchess of Marlborough, and some others of the younger female nobility, were distinguished by a profusion of diamonds, and those worn only by the first, were estimated at 70,000 l. Neither the Duke of Cumberland, his Duchess, nor the Duchess of Gloucester, were at court. 

5th. This morning about five o'clock a fire broke out at Mr. Wilkinson's, cabinet-maker, the south side of St. Paul's church, which burnt with amazing rapidity for some time, and entirely destroyed that house, together with two adjoining ones, greatly damaged two other houses in front, and destroyed and damaged several houses in Black-swan-alley.
A chapter of the order of the bath was held at St. James's, when Sir George Osborne, Bart. was 

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elected and invested one of the knights of that order, in the room of the late Sir William Stanhope, John Friend, Esq; of Dublin, who died a few days ago, was brother-in-law to the noted Dudley, who was said to be concerned in setting fire to Portsmouth-dock. By his will, Mr. Friend has bequeathed his estate of 2500l.a year, to Dudley's children, except 300l. a year, which he has left to his sister during life. She married without the consent of her friends, and her brother never would see her till a few days before his death.

8th. Came on before Lord Mansfield, the long-expected trial between Mr. Townsend and Mr. Hunt, collector of the land-tax; when, after hearing council on both sides, Lord Mansfield told the jury, that the question before them was, in fact, no other, than "Whether there was any legislative power in this country?" If they acknowledged there was, then they must find for the defendant; and, in less than two minutes after his lordship had done speaking, the jury found for the defendant accordingly.

Copenhagen, May 23. The king sent orders the 18th instant, to the commission of inquisition, to stop all proceedings against Colonel Hesselberg, Admiral Hansen, Lieutenant Aboe, Counsellor Sturtz, the Counsellor of State Willebrandt, and Professor Borger; so that they were set at liberty the next day. Messrs. Sturtz and Willebrandt have received orders to retire to the isle of Zealand, and Professor Borger to Aalbourg; his majesty has granted each of the two last an annual pension of 300 rixdollars. It is presumed, as the other prisoners 

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were not released that day ,they were condemned to perpetual imprisonment

Peterbourg, May 4.Two ordinances have been published here lately; the first prohibiting the importation of any foreign gold coin ,excepting Dutch ducats. By the second ,the senate forbids any person speaking on the subject of religion ,politics, affairs of state ,peace or war ,or in {?}any other subject but what regards their own professions ; and those who act contrary to this law are threatened with the wrath of heaven ,and the indignation of her imperial majesty. This ordinance is renewed from one published on the same subject by the late emperor Elizabeth ,and from another issued by the present emperor in 1763
  Elfineur, May 30.  The 27th in the evening arrived in the Sound, two English frigates and a schooner, they saluted the castle with seventeen guns, which were returned: Commodore M'Bride went immediately o shore, and paid a visit to the Governor of Cronenburg, and an hour after he went on board again.  The 28th arrived the English ambassador, Sir Robert Keith, who is to conduct the queen as far as Stade.  Of her majesty's former household, the Count de Halstein de Lethraborg, and his lady, the Lady Mosting, and Lord chamberlain Raben, are to attend her majesty as far as Stade, and return by land.  All the provision and baggage are already on  board, and if the wind prove fair, her  will go on board this evening, and the ships will fail.  The three state prisoners at Copenhagen are still in the same situation.

  Copenhagen, May 30.  A lady 

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belonging to the court, went yesterday to Cronenbourg, in one of the king's coaches, to take from thence the young Princess Louisa Augusta, and conduct her royal highness to the castle of Christiansbourg.
  This day his majesty went in the usual state to the House 9th. of Peers, and gave the royal assent to the following bills:
  An act for granting to his majesty a certain sum of money out of the sinking-fund, for the service of the year 1772; and for making forth duplicates of exchequer-bills, lottery-tickets, certificates, receipts, annuity-orders, and other orders lost, burnt, or destroyed.
  An act for rendering the payment of the creditors of insolvent debtors more equal and expeditious in Scotland.
  An act for repealing several laws against badgers, engrossers, forestallers, and regrators.
  An act for the better regulation of buildings and party-walls within the cities of London and Westminster, and the liberties thereof, and other the parishes, precincts, and places in the weekly bills of mortality.
  And to two private bills.
  After which his majesty was pleased to make a most gracious speech from the throne, and the lord-chancellor, by his majesty's command, prorogued the parliament to the 11th day of Aug. next.
  This day the sessions ended at the Old-Bailey.  At this sessions, fifteen prisoners were capitally convicted; eighteen to be transported for seven years, one for fourteen and three branded. 
Joshua Dudley, for perjury in the affair of the fire at Portsmouth, received

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