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Annual register

received sentence to pay a fine of [?] be imprisoned one month, and then transported for seven years.
There was a meeting this 10th. evening, at the Spanish ambassador's, of all the foreign ministers, when a paper was signed by them, in order to be transmitted to the secretaries of state, in which they engage, on their faith and honour, to suffer no goods, of whatever kind, to be brought from abroad under their sanction, but what is for their own immediate use. 

This morning the statue 11th. of William Beckford, Esq; was fixed up in Guildhall. It is the finest white marble, in the attitude to stood when he spoke to his majesty; and under the pedestal in this speech, on a tablet of black marble, in letters of gold. The statue is thought to have the strongest likeness of him.

The following particulars have been given as a true state of the proceedings relative to Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander's voyage, and the reason why it is like to be laid aside. - Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander were not consulted on the choice of ship (the Endeavour) which was bought for them, and on their objecting to her want of accommodation for their draughtmen, &c. who were necessary for their discoveries, as well as to her want of room to stow the crew; the navy-board undertook to give all these conveniences, and patched the fame ship with a round-house and square deck, and without considering whether the ship could bear it, manned and equipped her for the voyage. Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander, &c. examined her a second time, found her convenient if she could fail, of which they doubted, and reported her top-heavy. - Their observations were disregarded; but a gale of wind arising laid her on her side without her having a single sail unreeled, and she could not for some time recover: they ordered the long boat to save the crew, when unexpectedly she recovered. Notwithstanding this accident, she was reported good, and fit for the voyage, and was ordered to Plymouth. The pilot obeyed their orders, sending word he could not insure her out of the river. At last it was found the farce could not be carried on longer, and the reports on which the navy-board proceed were found false; expresses were sent along the coast to Deal, &c. to order her into the nearest dock to Sheerness, if they could overtake her; this was no difficult task; for while the other ships cleared the Downs, she did not make one knot an hour. She was put into dock; they cut off her round-house, and part of her deck, reduced the cabbin, and put her in the frame unfit situation she was in first objected to; and then the question was politely put to Mr. Banks, take this or none, Mr. Banks has laid out several thousand pounds for instruments, &c. preparatory for the voyage; Mr. Zoffani, near one thousand for necessaries, and the other gentlemen very considerable sums on that account. 
This day being appointed for the installation of the 15th knights elect of the most honourable order of the bath, the knights companions, in the full habit of the order, and the knights elect, in their furcoats, met in the prince's-chamber, at Westminster, each attended by 

For the year 1772. 

three esquires; from whence they went in procession to the south-east door of the abbey, and from thence to King Henry the VIIth's chapel, where they were installed with the usual ceremony. There were fifteen vacant stalls, viz. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's, Earl Cholmondeley's, Earl Delawar's, Sir William Stanhope's, Sir Robert Clifton's, Duke of Chando's, Lord Grantham's, Earl Lignoier's, Sir William Mordaunt Harbord's, Sir William Mordaunt Harbord's, 
sir Charles Howard's, Duke of Bolton's, Sir Richard Lyttleton's, Sir William Rowley's, Lord Blakeney's, and Sir Francis Blake Deval's. The knights installed were, his Royal Highness the Bishop of Osnabrug, Earl of Bellamont, Lord Clive, Sir William Draper, Sir Horatio Mann, Bart. Sir John Moore, Bart. Sir John Lindiay, Sir Eyre Coote, Sir Charles Montagu, Sir Ralph Payne, Sir William Lynch, Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. Sir William Hamilton, Sir Robert Murray Keith, and Sir George Macartney: the absentees were installed by proxy.
At night there was a most magnificent supper and ball at the operahouse in the Haymarket, at the expense of the new knights, to which were invited the nobility and foreign ministers, and almost every person of distinction in town without exception.
The populace rose on Saturday at Taunton, and obliged the farmers to fell their wheat at 5s. the bushel.
The bankinghouse of Mssrs. Neal, James, Fordyce, and Downs, flopped payment. Other failures have since happened in consequence of the former. The consternation at first was general throughout the city; but by the spirit of the merchants, and the timely interposition of the Bank of England, many of the numerous bankruptcies that were expected, it is hoped are prevented, and that trade will resume its former channel.
The news of Messrs. Neal, Fordyce, James, and Down, having stopt payment, was received at Edinburgh, just 43 hours after in happened at London. Edinburgh is distance from London above 425 miles.
At a chapter of the most noble order of the garter, 18th. held this day at St. James's, Lord North was invested with the ensigns of that renowned Order; after which his Lordship gave a splendid entertainment at his house in Downing-street.
Sir Robert Murray Keith arrived at Deal. He left the queen at the palace of Goerde, 60 miles from Stade, in the Hanoverian dominions. Except at parting from her children, which was truly affecting she seemed to be in very good spirits, and so continued during the voyage.
At a Court of Common-Council, the motion was confirmed to give the sum of 400l. towards the relief of the sufferers by fire in the isle of Grenada.
The lords of the treasury have purchased Ely-house and ground in Holborn. The house is to be pulled down, and on the ground are to be erected the hackney-coach falt, and stamp-offices. We hear from the isle of Sky, that the morality among the black cattle (owing the the hard winter, and want of provender) is estimated at 8 or 10,000l. sterling, in that island alone. the morality have been