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124] ANNUAL REGISTER For the YEAR 1772
he has bequeathed to his eldest son, in case he dies without lawful use. All the legacies to his children are to commence interest at four per cent. from the day of his death, and to be paid to them on their coming of age, or the daughter's marrying.
To Philip Francis, Esq; 1000l.
To Mrs. Francis 200. per ann. for her life.
To his executors, Anthony Lucas, Esq; 1000l. Edward Barwell, Esq; of the House of Commons, and Mr. Williams or Dartford, 500l. each.
He has also left a few legacies to his friends, and a year's wages to all his fervants.

Was executed, and afterwards hung in chains, on a gibbet 30 feet high, on Campden-hill, in Gluocestershire, Williamy Kelly, for the murder of Richard Dyer, a gardener at Campden. He persisted in denying the fact, and called God to witness his innocence, till he came near the spot where the murder was committed, and the he confessed, that he overtook Dyer on the road, walked with him till he came to a style, where, in getting over, he struck him with a hedge-stake, and killed him; that, when he first came up with him, he had no thought of hurting him; that he murdered him for his money, but, when he had committed to the fact, he had not power to rob him, but ran away frighted. He was about 22 years of age, was married, and had children.
A boy was baptized at St. Dunstan's church, by the name of Count Piper, from a remarkable dream, by which the father was informed,


a fortnight before the child was born, that he should have a son, that he should be named Count Piper, that he should be brought up to the use of arms, and that, being taught the art of war, he should prove an honour to his king and country.

Copenhagen, July 21. The commission of enquiry has received orders to consider in what manner the persons employed in convicting the prisoners of state should be rewarded; in consequence of which it was allotted that Dr. Hee and Dr. Munter should each receive 300 Rixdolars; but the court was of a different opinion, and judged it most proper to make presents to these ecclesiasticks. Accordingly, these gentlemen were sent for to Fredericksberg, where Prince Frederick, on the part of the king, presented to Dr. Hee, a snuff-box of Saxon China, mounted in gold and set with diamonds; and likewise to Dr. Munter a chrystal snuff-box, mounted in gold and ornamented with diamonds. The two civil officers who drew up the protocol each received 150 Danish ducats.

Naples, July 16. A horrid murder has lately been committed at Nola. A surgeon who was frequently at the house of an officer there, was looked upon by the wife with a too favourable eye, which the officer observing, desired the surgeon no more to enter his doors; the latter complied, seemingly without the least dissatisfaction, but afterwards associating with a bravo, they way-laid the officer in the street one evening, and, after giving him many wounds with a dagger, left him for dead. The officer was soon found, and being carried home, the wife immediately dispatched

a messenger for the surgeon who had been the assassin, not thinking him capable of such an act: on the arrival of the surgeon, finding the officer living, he declared his wounds were not mortal, but that it would be necessary to dilate that given on his breast, as it seemed to be the most dangerous; he then took one of his instruments and thrust it into the officer's heart, and he presently died. The bravo, his accomplice, has confessed the whole, and they are now both in prison.

Paris, August 10. Capt. Trebuchet, commander of a ship lately arrived in Nantes River, from St. Domingo, met with a very extraordinary event in his passage. The 16th day after he set sail, about eleven o'clock at night, he felt a great shock, and the whole crew imagined the ship had struck upon a rock; they immediately set the pumps to work, finding a great deal of water in the hold, and were all very much alarmed. When the day appeared, they found a monstrous fish, 30 or 40 feet long, fastened to the ship, and endeavoured by every means to get it off, but to no purpose. The captain therefore made up to a ship about three leagues distant, which happened to be an English ship, commanded by Captain Smith, and with his assistance they at last cut away this monstrous fish: but it was then so much cut and disfigured that it was impossible to make out what it was, and they were afraid to send down the divers to examine the damage done to the ship, for fear they should become a prey to these voracious animals. The next day they examined the ship, and found her pierced in two places about four feet above her keel, by a kind of horn, which had made an orifice of three inches in diameter. They were obliged to pump night and day, and the English ship kept in company in order to give any assistance that might be necessary.

Vienna, July 29. A very rich private gentleman in this city keeps open house for all those who can prove they have been of any service to the state.

Paris, August 3. A rencontre has just happened on the frontiers between the Marquis de Fleury, son of the Duke de Fleury, and an officer, who, as well as himself, is a captain in the regiment of Touraine. They fought with pistols; the officer was killed; and M. de Fleury had his arm broken. This duel, it is said, was occasioned by an old quarrel subsisting between them.

Married lately, William Chamberlain Esq; of Leeds, Yorkshire, aged 85, to a fine young girl of 16, whom his first wife brought up.

Died, Henry Montague, Esq: Master in Chancery, aged 92.

Dr. Richard Passingham, aged 97, late a minor canon of Rochester Cathedral.

Mr Burnier, at Blackheath. He has left the bulk of a large fortune to poor house-keepers, and to one industrious man 200l. 

Mrs. Lydia Hewlett, aged 85, who upwards of fifty years kept a boarding school for young ladies.

Mary Winter, at Lambeth, in the 105th year of her age.

Capt Forbes, at harwich, in the 109th year of his age.

One Rice, a cooper in Southwark, aged 125.