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138] ANNUAL REGISTER FOR the YEAR 1772. [139

the house, soon burned it down, with eight others. The loss is thought to be upwards of 10,000 l. one family is totally ruined, and a wall falling, killed one person, and sadly bruised five or fix more." 

13th. The following motions were this day passed at the Court of Common-Council:
That the late lord mayor having refused to call a common-hall on a most important public business, at the requisition of many respectable gentlemen of the livery; having denied a considerable body of this court, to call a court of common-council; having refused to put questions in common-hall of the utmost consequence to the rights of the livery; and having ordered the sword to be taken up, both in common-hall and in this court, be-fore the public business was finished, has been guilty of violating the rights and privileges of this city. Declared to be carried in the affirmative. A division being demanded on this question, there appeared to be, 

For the above question. 
Six aldermen 
Ninety commoners 
Two tellers 
Majority for the vote of censure, 46. 

That the late lord mayor having refused to call a common-hall on a most important public business, at the requisition of many respectable gentlemen of the livery; having denied a considerable body of this court, to call a court of common-council; having refused to put questions in common-hall of the utmost consequence to the rights of the livery; and having ordered the sword to be taken up, both in common-hall and in this court, before the public business was finished, has been guilty of violating the rights and privileges of this city. Declared to be carried in the affirmative. A division being demanded on this question, there appeared to be,

For the above question.
Six aldermen
Ninety commoners
Two tellers

Against the question.
Five aldermen
Forty-five commoners
Two tellers

Majority for the vote of censure, 46. 

That if any future recorder should accept the office of a judge in any of his majesty's courts at Westminster, or has or may hereafter accept the office of attorney or solicitor-general to the king or queen, or any patent of precedence from the crown, if appointed recorder of this city, shall from that time receive only the ancient salary of 1201. for himself and deputy." This was also carried in the affirmative by a prodigious majority.
The weather continues remarkably mild and warm at Petersbourg in Russia; there is as yet no appearance of winter. The Neva, which is usually frozen at the beginning of October, still remains navigable.
At a proof of cannon at Woolwich, an 18 pounder, intended for sea service, burst in firing the fourteenth time, with a charge of nine pounds of powder: but, notwithstanding a number of officers and matrosses were present, and that the cannon burst into more than an hundred pieces, some of which were picked up at a great distance, yet no one person received the least hurt. Some of the cannon on this occasion, were fired forty-eight times with the like quantity of powder, and continued perfectly found.
Among the vagrants found begging in the streets of London, and carried before the lord-mayor to be passed to their respective parishes; was a woman with a child in her arms, which, upon her examination, appeared to be hired at the rate of eight-pence a day of its mother in Petticoat-lane. She was committed to Bridewell to hard labour, and the child returned to its parent.
17th. At a court of aldermen held this day, for the election of a recorder for the city of London, in the room of Sir James Eyre, Mr. Serjeant Glynn was chosen by a majority of one voice. It is remarkable, that every alderman was present; and the numbers were, for Mr. Serjeants Glynn 13; Mr. Bearcroft 12; Mr. Hyde, senior city-council, 1.
18th. This morning the two Murphys, Earle, Wiggins, Savage and Duffield, ordered for execution on the 11th, were carried to Tyburn and executed accordingly Devett and Kennedy, who were to have been executed at the same time, were respited.
Some peasants, digging in a sand pit, in the forest of Villers Cotteretz, in France, found fifty-one pieces of golf coin of the size of French double Louis. Upon the greater party were represented a king dressed in a Roman habit, and crowned, holding in his right hand a sword, in his left the balance of justice, and having on his breast five fleurs de lys. The legend was, Karolus Dei gratia Francorum Rex. On the reverse was a cross, terminated by three trefoils, and having two fleurs de lys between each branch and two crowns. It is conjectured form the cyphers of the exergue, that these pieces were struck under the reign of Charles VI. He began his reign in 1380, and died in 1422.

Extract of a Letter from the Cape of Hood Hope, dated June 25, 1772.
"The governor of the Cape, in the year 1770, sent a vessel in search of two ships, which had been lost in their passage from Bengal to this place. The above vessel, in the month of August, being off the river of Lagoa, sent thirteen Hollanders to reconnaitre the country, but the chaloupe and canoe in which they embarked, were perfect, and one man was lost; the rest by swimming got to shore, where they were immediately seized by the negroes, and carried to one of their towns, which consisted of nothing but huts, or cabbins, lined and covered with rushes made into mats. The next day they were sent off, and travelled through a country of great length, sometimes over vast deserts, and at other times meeting with negroe towns in their way, during which they suffered every thing that hunger, and the uncertainty of their fate, could dictate to them. In this unhappy state of suspense, two of their companions, who were no longer able to undergoe the fatigue, were abandoned in the desert. At length, the remaining ten reached a Portuguese factory at Hihambani, in 23 deg, 30 min. f. lat.: here two died of the fatigues they had sustained, and three more engaged with the Portuguese settled there; five embarked for Mozambique, at which place they left one of their companions in the hospital, and the other four passed from Diu to Surat, and from Surat to Ceylon, from whence they have been just landed at the Cape. So that of thirteen shipwrecked mariners, in the course of two years, one was lost in the canoe, two perished in the African deserts, two died of fatigue, one was left in a Portuguese hospital, three have entered into foreign service, and four only are returned to the port from whence they set out."
Joseph Banks, Esq; Dr. Solander, and Dr. Kind, set out from Edinburgh, on their return for London, after having visited the northern isles of Scotland, and particularly that of Staffa, which is reckoned one of the greatest natural curiosities in the world: this island is about three miles in circumference; it is surrounded by a row

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