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Greek-street Soho. By his will he has left 100l. to the society for the propagating the Gospel;100l. to St. George's Hospital; 50l. to the Foundling Hospital; 100l. to the Middlesex Hospital; 50l. to the Charity-school of Saint Ann's, Soho
 Mr. Roger Hunt, one of the greatest stocking manufacturers in Nottingham, said to have died worth upwards of 40,000l.
At the Hague, Solomon Emmanuel, a Jew, native of Moravia, aged 109 years and 8 months; he has left sixty-seven descendants behind him.
Isabel King, widow, at Fochaber's in Scotland, aged 108. her husband, who died about two years ago, was 98 years old at his decease. They had lived in a married state upwards of 66 years. 

In Oss-alley, in the Strand, Frances Beet, who for many years received charity of the parish and others; in her apartment, and about her bed, money was found to the amount of eight hundred pounds.

Mary Simes, a beggar woman, aged 109, in the Mint, Southwark, said to have died worth 1500l.

At Wittingham, in East-Lothian, Barbara Wilson, aged 120 Years. 

Aged 112, Thomas Pearce, a labouring man, at Hawley-hill farm in Wilts.

At Truro, in Cornwall, Mr. John Richardson, a tradesman in that town, aged 137, who retained his senses till a few days before his death. 

At Benham, in the County of Suffex, one Joan Godfrey, aged 110, who till within a week of her death fetched water from a well near two miles distance from her house. 

A General Bill of all the Christenings and Burials, from December 10, 1771, to December 15, 1772.

|Christened.|     |Buried.|     |
|Males      |9172 |Males  |13185|
|Females    |8744 |Females|12868|
|In All     |17916|In All |26053| 

Increased in the Burials this year 4273.
Increased in the Christenings 844

Died under two years of age 9112

[[4 columns]]
|Between| 2 and 5 |2894|
        |5 and 10 |1006|
        |10 and 20|1056|
        |20 and 30|2086|
        |30 and 40|2307|
        |40 and 50|2301|
        |50 and 60|1905|
        |60 and 70|1619|
        |70 and 80|1205|
        |80 and 90|473|
        |90 and 100|84|
        | 100      |2|
        |102       |1|
        |103       |1|
        |105       |1|

At Paris, Births 18713. Deaths 20374. Marriages 4611. Foundlings received at the Hospitals 7676. Increased in the deaths this year 1433. Decreased in the Births 1972. Increased in Marriages 159.

At Amsterdam. Deaths 10,609. Baptisms in the several reformed churches 4637. Marriages 2037. Increased in deaths 2626. Decreased in Baptisms 70. At 

At Copenhagen. Deaths 4200. Births 2604. Marriages 745. Increased in deaths 1056. Increased in births 53.

At Whitby, were 59 Marriages, 229 Baptisms, and 313 Burials; 127 of which Burials were Children, &c. in the Small-pox since the 1st of August.

The number of persons who have died throughout the Russian Empire of the Plague, amount to 62000. 

In the course of last year, 4653 ships have been cleared at the Custom-house, Newcastle, of which 4211 were coasters, and 442 for foreign parts, which is 309 more than were cleared out the year preceding. 

In the course of the last year 1794 vessels entered the Texel, nine of which have been damaged by winds or others accidents. 

From the 5th of Dec. 1771, to the 5th of Dec. 1772, there have 6680 vessels passed the Sound, of which 2145 were Dutch, 1894 English, 973 Danish, 805 Swedes, 326 Prussians, 211 Dantzickers, 170 Bremeners, 38 Lubeckers, 32 Hamburghers, 28 Russians, 21 from Rostock, 13 Imperial, 13 French, 7 Courlanders, 2 Spanish, and 2 Portuguese. 

In the 27th year of Edward the Third, all the commodities exported from England amounted to 294,184l. and all the imports to only 38,970l. so that the kingdom cleared in that year the sum of 255,214l. 

An Account of the Felons who were in the Goal of Newgate in 1772.

[[5 columns]]

|1772        |London |Mid. fex.|Hick's Hall|Weft.min.|
|Jan. Session|33     |85       |1          |3        |
|Feb. Session|34     |121      |10         |0        |
|Apr. Session|63     |160      |11         |6        |
|June Session|24     |104      |7          |         |
|July Session|23     |121      |5          |8        |
|Sept. Session|41    |183      |7          |         |
|Oct. Session |34    |121      |5          |6        |
|Dec. Session |75    |179      |5          |         |
              ----   -----     ----        ------
              |327   |1074     |51         |23       |

Totals 1475
Sheriffs Debtors 138
County Court Debtors 115
Excise Debtors 7

Total from Jan. 1772, to Dec. 1772, inclusive }1735

The Number of Prisoners who died in Newgate in each Year, from the 1st of January 1763 to the 31st of December 1772.

[[4 columns]]
|In| 1763 - 27| In| 1768 - 36|
   | 1764 - 14|   | 1769 - 23|
   | 1765 - 13|   | 1770 - 34|
   | 1766 - 23|   | 1771 - 27|
   | 1767 - 33|   | 1772 - 32|

From 1747 to 1764, the number of prisoners never exceeded 1300. 

BIRTHS for the year 1772.
Jan. 19. Lady of Sir Thomas Egerton, Bart. of a daughter.
     22. Lady of Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bart. of a daughter. 
         Right Hon. Lady Digby, of a daughter.