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rough, to Miss Robartes, of Glaiston, Rutland.
June 9. Hon. and Reverend Francis Knollis, to Miss Halifax
29. -- Cotton, Esq; to Miss Aston, eldest daughter to Sir William Aston, Bart.
July 1. Sir Onesiphorus Paul, Bart. to Mrs. Sarah Turner, of King's-Stanley, in Gloucestershire.
8.-- Franco, Esq; eldest son of Moses Franco, Esq;to Mss Acquilar, daughter of Baron Acquilar, of Alderman's-walk.
The Hon. Mr. Lyttelton, only son of Lord Lyttelton, to Mrs. Peach, widow of the late colonel Peach, in the East-India company's service.
9. The Earl of Tyrconnel, to Lady Frances Manners, daughter of the late Marquis of Granby, and grand-daughter to the present duke of Rutland.
13. Col. John Burgoyne, of the 58th regiment of foot, eldest son of Sir Roger Burgoyne, of Sutton, Bedfordshire, to Miss Johnston, eldest daughter of General Johnston, of Overstone, near Northampton.
16. Lord Polworth, son and heir of the Earl of Marchmont, to Lady Arabella Grey, eldest daughter to the Earl of Hardwicke, and Marchioness Grey, Baroness Lucas of Crudwell, by special licence.
26. Mr. Cooke, private secretary to Lord Townshend,
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to the daughter of Lady Dysart, with a fortune of 12000).
Aug. 5. Robert Hales, Esq; collector of the customs in the port of Lynn, to Miss Turner, daughter of Sir John Turner, Bart.
8. Lieut. Caldwell, second son of sir James Caldwell, to Miss Jane Blackett.
Humphrey Osbaldiston, Esq; to Miss Kitty Pennington, daughter of Sir Joseph Pennington.
13. Capt. Tho. Fowke, Equery to the Duke of Cumberland, to Miss Ann Woolaston, daughter of Sir Frank Woolaston, Bart.
14. Joseph Bernes, Esq; to Miss Hulse, second daughter of Sir Edward Hulse.
Sir Thomas Wallace, of Craigee, Bart. to Miss Eglatina Maxwell, sister to the Dutchess of Gordon.
19. Sir George Vandeput, Bart. To Miss Philadelphia Grey.
20. Sir Henry Somerville, Bart. to the Hon. Miss St. Leger, or Cork in Ireland.
Rev. Mr. Heathcoate, second son to Sir Robert Heathcoate, to Miss Letitia Parker, daughter to Lord Chief Baron Parker.
Lord Stavordale, eldest son of the Earl of Ilchester, at Clappercullent, in the county of Limeric, to Miss Mary Grady, daughter of Standish Grady, Esq;
Sept. 3. Adam Hay, Esq; to Miss Harpur,
159] For the YEAR 1772
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Harpur, sister to Sir Henry Harpur, with a fortune of 30000l.
7. Right Hon. Lord Teynham, to Mrs. Davis, a widow Lady.
Lieut. Gen. Clavering, to Miss Yorke.
Oct. 11. William Fowler, Esq; to Lady Fowler, widow of the late Sir Hans Fowler.
30. Dr. Pepys, to Lady Jane Evelyn, sister to the earl of Roghtes.
Nov. 4. Sir Thomas Gascoine, of Parlington, Bart. to Miss Montgomery.
13. Rev. Mr. Pitman, of Dunchidcock, near Exeter, to Miss Eliz. Salisbury Deane, sister to the present Sir Robert Deane.
15. Sir Fernando Poole, Bart. to Miss White, of Horsham, Suffex.
16. Sir Harry Moncrief of Wellwood, Bart. to Miss Robertson, at Edinburgh.
Sir James Cotter, Bart. member for Taghmon, in Ireland, to Miss Kearney, sister to James Kearney, Esq; member for Kinsale.
Dec. 4. Dr. Relhan to Lady Harte.
5. The Rev. James Rudd, B.A. minister of St.Paul's chapel in Edinburgh, to the honourable Mrs. St. Clare, widow, daughter, of the late Lord Duffus.
26. Sur Willoughby Aston, Bart. to Lady Jane Henley, sister to the Earl of Northington.
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Principal PROMOTIONS for the Year 1772, from the London Gazette, &c.

Jan. 3. James Harris, Jun. Esq; Envoy Extraordinary to the court of Berlin.-Right Honourable Lord North, Recorder of Gloucester.
15. Sir Charles Hotham, and the Hon. Will. Hamilton, Esq; Knights of the'Bath.-A grant passed the Great Seal unto Thomas Grey Cullum, Esq; Bath King at Arms, of the Office o a King at Arms, and principal Herald of the parts of Wales, by the name of Gloucester to hold the fame during his good behaviour; and the clause is inserted for annexing the office of Gloucester King at Arms, to the office of both Kings at Arms, and declaring his majesty's pleasure, that the said Thomas Grey Cullum, Esq; shall, in all assemblies and places, have and take place of all other Provincial Kings at Arms whatsoever, with the yearly salary of 40l. payable quarterly at the Exchequer, and all other rights, privileges, and advantages, to the said office of Gloucester King at Arms belonging.
17. John Gilpin Sowry, Esq; Deputy Governor and Superintendant of the trade of Senegambia.
18. Philip Du Val, B.L. the place of canonry or prebend in the Collegiate Church or Free Chapel of St. George in the Castle at Windsor, void by the death of Richard Wilmot.-Gregory Parry, M.A. the canonry or prebend of the Cathedral of Christ Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Worcester, now void by the promotion of Philip Du Val, B. L
21. Anthony Chamier, Esq; Deputy

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