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puty Secretary at War, in the room of Christopher D'Oyly, Esq; re-signed. 
- 31. Capt. John Clarke, of the Prudent man of war, a knight.
Feb. 11. Willial Jollyffe, [[?]] Esq; to be one of his majesty's Comissioners for Trade and Plantations. 
- 15. The Right Rev. Dr. John Cradock, Bishop of Kilmore, to the Archbishoprick of Dublin, with the Bishoprick of Glandelagh united thereto. - the Right Rev. Dr. Dennison Cumberland, Bishop of the united sees of Clonfert and Kilmacdaugh, to the Bishoprick of Kilmore. - Dr. Walter Cope, Dean of Dromore, to the united Bishopricks of Clonfert and Kilmacdaugh. - The Rev. Joseph Deane Bourke, Dean of St. Flanan Killaloe, to the Deanry of Dromore. - William Cecil Perry, A. M. to the Deanry of St. Flanan Killaloe. - The Right Rev. Dr. William Gore, Bishop of Elphin, to the Bishoprick of Limerick. - The Right Rev. Dr. Jemmett Brown, Bishop of the united sees of Corke and Ross, to the Bishoprick of Elphin. - Isaac Mann, D. D. Archdeacon of Dublin, to the united Bishopricks of Corke and Ross. 
- 27. John Temple, Esq; formerly Surveyor-General of the Nothern District of America, and one of the late Commissioners of the Custome in America, Surveryor-General of the Customs in this kingdom, at the established salary of 400l. per annum, to be resident on the board of customs. By this appointment it is designed, that the present offices of surveyors-general for the different coasts shall aease on the demise of the incumbents; and it is said, that three other gentlement will be appointed, who, together with Mr. Temple, are to execute the business of this new appointment. - Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Murray Keith, his majesty's Envoy Extraorginary at the court of Copenhagen, a Knight of Bath. 
March 10. Molineux Shuldham, Esq; to be Governor and Commander in Chief over Newfoundland, and all the coast of Labrador, including the inslands, &c. 
- 14. Count Colleredo, Prince Biship of Gurck, and son of Prince Colloredo, Vice-Chancellor of the Empire, unanimously elected Archbishop of Saltzburgh. 
- 21. James Macpherson, Esq; the offices and places of Secretary and Clerk of the Counsil of his majesty's province of West-Florida, in North-America, and Register of all grants, patents, and records, of and in the said province. 
- 24. John Foster, D. D. the place of Prebendary of his majesty's free chapel of St. George, in the castle of Windsor, void by the death of Dr. John Sumner. 
- 25. Righ Hon. Lord North, a Knight of the Garter, in the place of the late Duke of Saxe-Gotha.
- 28. William Moore, Esq; to be Attorney-General of Barbadoes, in the room of Henry Beccles, Esq; deceased. - Edward Morfe, Esq; Chief-Justice of Senegambia, in Africa, in the room of Christopher Milles, Esq; deceased. - John Fenton, Esq; Provost-Marshal of Nova-Scotia.- James Magra, Esq; to be Consul in the Canary Islands.
April 3. A patent passed the great seal, appointing John Skynner, Edq; one of the Justices of the 

3                                                       court 

For the YEAR 1772.       [161

court of session for the county of Chester, Montgomery, Flint, and Denbigh, in the principality of Wales, in the room of Taylor White, Esq; deceased. - Also a patent, appointing James Forster, Esq; Chief-Justice of Ely, to be one of the king's serjeants at law, in the room of Serjeant Leigh, deceased. - Sir Robert Murray Keith, his majesty's Ambassador at the court of Denmark, to the command of the 47th regiment of foot, in the room of Lieutenant-General Lascelles, deceased. 
May 6. Thomas Bradshaw, Esq; to be one of his majesty's Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High-Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. - Rev. Thomas Thurloe, B.D. Master of the Temple. - Rev. James Stillingfleet, M.A. Prebend of Worcester.
- 26. Colonels Lord Adam Gordon, Frederick Haldimand, William Alexander Sorrell, Righ. Lambert, Alex. Maitland, John Pomeroy, Archibald Earl of Eglintoun, Simon Frafer, Hunt Walsh, Tho. Defaguliers, George Preston, Guy Carleton, Sir Charles Hotham, Baronet, William Napier, Thos. Townshend, Robert Clerk, Sir William Draper, Robert Cunninghame, William Howe, John Bradstreet, Lord George Henry Lennox, Henry Campbell, John Hale, Robert Boyd, Henry Clinton, Charles Fitzroy, Bernard Hale, John Burgorne, to be Major-Generals in the army. As likewise Major-Generals John Gore, James Murray, Geo. Williamson, Cyrus Trapaud, Sir William Boothby, Baronet, William Keppell, Rich. Pierson, Benjamin Carpenter, John Owen, Bigoe Armstrong, Edward Harvey, William Earl of Shel-burne, William Haviland, William Rufane, Hamilton Lambart, John Irwin, Cadwallader Lord Blayney, Charles Vernon, WIlliam Ganfell, David Græme, Edward Urmston, to be Lieutenant-Generals in the army. - As Likewise Lieutenant-Generals Cuthburt Ellison, Peregrine Duke of Ancaster, Evelyn Duke of Kingston, Hugh Viscount Falmouth, Simon Earl Harcourt, Aurthur Earl of Powis, Michael O'brien Dilkes, John Earl of Sandwich, Henry Seymour Conway, James Abercromby, George Earl of Albemarle, Francis Leighton, Lord Robert Manners, John Mostyn, John Earl of Waldegrave, His Royal Highness William Duke of Gloucester, to be Generals in the army. 
- 29. Right Hon. Sir George Macartney, a Knight of the Bath. 
June 15. Sir George Osborne, Bart., Stanien Porten and Thomas Mills, Esqs, Captain Basil Keith, Captain Peter Parker, and Horatio Mann, Esq; to the honour of knighthood. - Lord Mountstuart, to be Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Glamorgan. 
July -. Charles Logie, Esq; to be Consul-General to the Emperor of Morocco. - Richard Johnston, Esq; of Gilford, in the county of Down, to the dignity of a Baronet of the kingdom of Ireland. - Montague Burgoyne, Esq; to the office of one of the Chamberlains of his Majesty's Exchequer. - John Williams, Esq; Inspector of the Customs in North-America, made a Commissioner of Customs in the port of Boston, in New-England. - Henry Fane, Esq; made Keeper of his majesty's private roads, and Guide to his royal person in all progresses, &c. in the room of

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