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came to Japan; rounded that place from the port of Namgu; went on shore; from thence came to the isle of Tonze es Bongo; from thence proceeded as far as Nangeasaki; from which place, after taking in wines, sailed out again and passed by the isles of Uljina, as far as Formosa and the isle of Baftee; lastly, took the straight course to Makaw, where I arrived in the month of September, 1771.
" Signed,
" Baron Maurice Aout of Aladar and Benyorsky, colonel in her imperial majesty's service, and regimentary - general of the Confederates.
" Went out with 85 men,
" Came back with 62."
Many parts of the above extraordinary transaction, have been since confirmed by accounts from Petersburg. The pretended baron, and general of the Confederates, was a real adventurer and sharper, of some considerable degree in his vocation; and was actually sent to hard labour of Kamschatka, for crimes committed, either at Petersburg, or Moscow. His superior abilities gained him such influence with his fellow-sufferers, and his spirit of enterprize so charmed them, that they readily submitted to him as their leader, in a scheme for running away with a ship, which 

they effected; and by a singular fortune, and extraordinary concurrence of circumstances, discovered a passage, which may be of great future consequence, through unknown and untried seas, and arrived safe at China.

Difference in the Probabilities of Longevity between living in the country and in great cities.

Dr. Price, in his observations on reversionary payments, has published five tables, shewing the probabilities of life, in the district of Vaud, Switzerland, in a country parish in Brandenburgh, in the parish of Holy-Cross near Shrewsbury, at London, at Vienna, and at Berlin. "My chief purpose (says he) in giving these tables is to exhibit, in the most striking light, the difference between the state and duration of human life, in great cities and in the country. It is not possible to make the comparison without concern and surprise. I will here beg leave to lay it in one view before the reader, desiring him to take with him this consideration, that (for reasons elsewhere explained) it can be erroneous only by giving the difference much too little."

Proportion of Inhabitants dying annually in 

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Pais de Vaud | Country Parish in Brandenburgh. | Holy-Cross, near Shrewsbury. | London. | Vienna. | Berlin. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 in 45 | 1 in 45 | 1 in 33 | 1 in 20¾ | 1 in 19½ | 1 in 26½ |


For the YEAR 1772.    [205

Ages to which half the born live.

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Pais de Vaud. | Country Parish in Brandenburgh. | Holy-Cross, | London. | Vienna. | Berlin. |
| -- | --- | -- | -- | --| -- |
| 41 | 25½ | 27 | 2¾ | 2 | 2¾ |

Proportion of the inhabitants who reach eighty years of age.

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Pais de Vaud. | Country Parish in Brandenburgh. | Holy-Cross. | London. | Vienna. | Berlin. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 in 21½ | 1 in 22½ | 1 in 11 | 1 in 40 | 1 in 41 | 1 in 37 |

The Probabilities of living one year in

[[7 Columned Table]]
|Odds. | Pais de Vaud. | Country Parish in Brandenburgh. | Holy-Cross.| London. | Vienna. | Berlin. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| At birth | 4¼ to 1| 3½ to 1 | 4½ to 1 | 2 to 1 | 1⅕ to 1 | 1¾ to 1|
| Age 12 | 160 to 1| 112 to 1 | 144 to 1 | 75 to 1 | 84 to 1 | 123 to 1 |
| 25 | 117 to 1 | 110 to 1 | 100 to 1 | 56 to 1 | 66 to 1 | 50 to 1 |
| 30| 111 to 1 | 107 to 1 | 96 to 1 | 45 to 1 | 56 to 1 | 44 to 1 |
| 40 | 83 to 1 | 78 to 1 | 55 to 1 | 31 to 1 | 36 to 1 | 32 to 1 |
| 50 | 49 to 1 | 50 to 1 | 50 to 1 | 24 to 1 | 27 to 1 | 30 to 1 |
| 60 | 23 to 1 | 25 to 1 | 26 to 1 | 18 to 1 | 19 to 1 | 18 to 1 |
| 70 | 9½ to 1 | 11 to 1 | 16 to 1 | 12 to 1 | 11 to 1 | 12 to 1 |
| 80 | 4 to 1 | 6 to 1 | 8 to 1 | 7 to 1 | 7 to 1 | 7 to 1 |

Expectations of Life.

[[7 Columned Table]]
|   | Pais de Vaud. | Country Parish in Brandenburgh. | Holy-Cross.| London. | Vienna. | Berlin. |
| At birth | 37 years | 32½ years | 33¼ years | 18 years | 16½ years| 18 years |
| Age 12 | 44⅕ | 44 | 43½ | 33½ | 35¾ | 35½ |
| 25 | 34¾ | 35½ | 35  | 26  | 28⅓ | 27⅓ |
| 30 | 31¼ | 31½ | 32  | 23½ | 25½ | 25¼ |
| 35 | 27½ | 28  | 28¼ | 21½ | 22½ | 22¾ |
| 40 | 24  | 25  | 25¾ | 19½ | 20½ | 20¾ |
| 45 | 20½ | 21½ | 23¼ | 17¾ | 17¾ | 18¾ |
| 50 | 17½ | 18  | 20  | 16  | 16  | 16⅓ |
| 55 | 14½ | 15  | 17  | 14⅕ | 13½ | 14  |
| 60 | 12  | 12¼ | 14½ | 12½ | 11¾ | 12½ |
| 65 | 9½  | 9¾  | 11¾ | 10½ | 9¾  | 10½ |
| 70 | 7½  | 7½  | 10  | 8¾  | 8½  | 8½  |
| 75 | 5½  | 5½  | 8   | 7   | 6½  | 7   |
| 80 | 4½  | 4½  | 5   | 5   | 5½  | 6   | 

Transcription Notes:
5/12/23 - 03:57pm - Left off in the middle of the last table, row for age 30. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 14:20:18 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 16:16:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 19:14:13