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Academy of Birds, at Canterbury.

In the course of the present summer, the Sieur Roman, from Paris, exhibited his academy of birds in the city of Canterbury, &c. To me their performances seemed wonderful, and worthy to be preserved. One appeared as dead, and was held up by the tail or claw without shewing any signs of life. A second stood on its head, with its claws in the air. A third mimicked a Dutch milkmaid going to market, with pails on its shoulders. A fourth mimicked a Venetian girl looking out a window. A fifth appeared as a grenadier, and mounted guard like a centinel. The fixth acted as a cannoneer, with a cap on its head, a firelock on its shoulder, and a match in its claw, and discharged a small cannon. The same bird also acted as if it had been wounded; it was wheeled in a little barrow, to convey it (as it were) to the hospital; after which it flew away before the company. The seventh turned a kind of windmill: and the last bird stood in the midst of some fireworks, which were discharged all round it, without discovering any signs of fear.
The birds were linnets, gold finches, and canary-birds. 


For the YEAR 1772. [209
SUPPLIES granted by Parliament, for the Year 1772.

JANUARY 31, 1772.
1.THAT 25,000 men be employed, for the sea-service, for the year 1772, including 6664 marines.
2. And that a sum, not exceeding 41. per man per month, be allowed for maintaining the said 25,000 men for 13 months, including ordance for sea-service. 
1300000 0 0

1.That a number of land-forces, including 1522 invalids, amounting to 17547 effective men, comission and non-commission officers included, be employed, for the year 1772.
2. For defraying the charge of 17547 effective men, for guards, garrisons, and other his majesty's land forces, in Great-Britain, Jersey, and Guernsey, for the year 1772
629491 12 4 8/7
3. For maintaining his majesty's forces and garrisons in the plantations and Africa, including those in garrison at Minorca and Gibraltar, and for provisions for the forces in North-America, Nova-Scotia, Newfoundland, Gibraltar, the Ceded-Islands, and Africa, for the year 1772 
388953 12 7 4/3
4. For defraying the charge of the difference of pay between the British and Irish establishment of five battalions and four companies of foot, serving in the Isle of Man, at Gibraltar, Minorca, and the Ceded-Islands, for the year 1772
4723 16 2 4/2[[?]]
5. For the pay of the general and general staff officers, in Great-Britain, for the year 1772
11322 7 3
6. For the paying of pensions to the widows of such reduced officers of his majesty's land forces and marines, as died upon the establishment of half-pay in Great-Britain, and were married to them before the 25th day of December, 1716, for the year 1772
644 0 0
7. Upon account of the reduced officers of his majesty's land forces and marines, for the year 1772
115765 16 0

VOL. XV [P] 8. For

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 11:21:35