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212]  ANNUAL REGISTER For the YEAR 1772. [213

1. Towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land-forces, and other services, incurred to the 20th day of February, 1772, and not provided for by parliament ----- 274432 4 7 1/4
2. Upon account of the expences of the new roads of communication, and building bridges, in the highlands of North-Britain in the year 1772 -- 6998 14 5

1. To replace the Sinking-Fund the like sum paid out of the same, to make good the deficiency, on the 5th day of July, 1771, of the fund established for paying annuities, in respect of five millions borrowed by virtue of an act made in the 31ft year of the reign of his late majesty, towards the supply granted for the service of the year 1758 ----- 42445 5 5
2. To be advanced to the governor and company of the merchants of England, trading into the Levant Seas, to be applied if assisting the said company in carrying on their trade ----- 5000 0 0

1. To make good to his majefty the like sum, which has been issued, by his majesty's orders, in pursuance to the addresses of this house --- 6580 0 0
2. To make good to his majesty the like sum, which has been paid to several persons in North-Britain, as a compensation, and in full satisfaction, of their losses and expences, incurred pursuant to several orders of council, for preventing the spreading of the infectious distemper amongst the horned cattle ---  ---  --- 294 3 11
355150 8 4 1/4

MAY 11.
1. To enable his majesty to satisfy and make good the several sums payable to the persons who have subscribed the capital stock of three pounds per centum annuities, to be discharged and annihilated, upon the terms expressed in the resolution of the this house of the 2d day of this instant May -- 1350000 0 0
2. To make good the deficiency of the grants for the service of the year 1771 ----- 39456 0 10 1/4
3. To be paid to Charles Irving, for the discovery of an easy and practicable method of making seawater fresh and wholesome ----- 5000 0 0


MAY 18.
1. To enable his majesty to reward Daniel Peter Layard, doctor of physic, for his advice and assistance in carrying into execution a plan for preventing the spreading of the infectious disorder among the horned cattle in Great-Britain ------ 500 0  0
2. To be paid as a compensation to Edmund Hill, for the loss he will sustain by discontinuing the use of pestles in making gunpowder at his mills upon Hounslow-Heath, in case it shall be found necessary for the public security to prohibit the use of such pestles ----  ----- ----- 1500 0  0

Sum total of the supplies granted this session --- 7186253 3 0

Ways and means for raising the above Supply granted to his Majesty, agreed to on the following days, viz. 

FEBRUARY 4, 1772.
THAT the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, be continued from the 23d of June, 1772, to the 24th of June, 1773, and charged upon all malt which shall be made, and all mum which shall be made or imported, and all cyder and perry which shall be made for sale, within the kingdom of Great-Britain, 750,0001. 

That the sum of three shillings in the pound, and no more, be raised, within the space of one year, from the 25th of March, 1772, upon lands, tenements, hereditaments, pensions, offices, and personal estates, in that part of Great-Britain called England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed; and that a proportionable cess, according to the  ninth article of the treaty of union, be laid upon that part of Great-Britain called Scotland, 1,500,0001. 

That, towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, there be issued and applied the sum of 136,4161. os. 8 1/2, remaining in the Exchequer on the 10th day of October, 1771, for the disposition of parliament, of the monies which had then arisen, of the surplusses, excesses, and overplus monies, and other revenues, of the fund commonly called the Sinking-Fund.

That, towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, there be issued and applied the sum of 55,1921. 6s. 11 3/4d. remaining in the Exchequer on the 5th day of January last, for the disposition of parliament, of the monies which had then arisen, of the surplusses, excesses, and overplus monies, and other revenues, of the fund commonly called the Sinking-Fund.

That the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia, in that 


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